FluentSpecification.Common Namespace

Class Types

Class Summary
AllSpecification<T, TType> Checks if ISpecification<T> is satisfied by ALL elements in candidate collection.
AnySpecification<T, TType> Checks if ISpecification<T> is satisfied by ANY element in candidate collection.
ContainsSpecification Checks if string contains another string (case sensitive).
ContainsSpecification<T, TType> Checks if candidate contains expected element.
CreditCardSpecification Checks if string is valid credit card number.
EmailSpecification Checks if string is valid email address.
EmptySpecification<T> Checks if candidate is empty.
EqualSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is equal to expected object.
ExclusiveBetweenSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is between (exclusive) min and max value.
ExpressionSpecification<T> Checks if external Linq Expression is satisfied by candidate.
FalseSpecification Checks if candidate is False.
GreaterThanOrEqualSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is greater than or equal to expected value.
GreaterThanSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is greater than expected value.
InclusiveBetweenSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is between (inclusive) min and max value.
IsTypeSpecification<T> Checks if candidate is compatible with a given type.
LengthBetweenSpecification<T> Checks if length of candidate is between Min and Max values.
LengthSpecification<T> Checks if length of candidate is equal to specific value.
LessThanOrEqualSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is lower than or equal to expected value.
LessThanSpecification<T> Checks if candidate object is lower than expected value.
MatchSpecification Checks if string candidate match a given Regex pattern.
MaxLengthSpecification<T> Checks if length of candidate is lower than or equal to Max value.
MinLengthSpecification<T> Checks if length of candidate is greater than or equal to Min value.
NullSpecification<T> Checks if candidate is null.
TrueSpecification Checks if candidate is True.

