Built-in Specifications


Description of all core, built-in Specifications in FluentSpecification.Core package.

These specifications are used most often along with others.

And Join Specifications as logical AND.
Or Join Specifications as logical OR.
Not Logical NOT Specification implementation.
For Property Verifies if Specification is satisfied by candidate property value.
Cast Converts Specification (candidate to verification) from one type to another.


Description of all complex, built-in Specifications in FluentSpecification package.

Expression Checks if external Linq Expression is satisfied by candidate.
True Checks if candidate is True.
False Checks if candidate is False.
Null Checks if candidate is null.
Empty Checks if candidate is empty.
Equal Checks if candidate object is equal to expected object.
Less Than Checks if candidate object is lower than expected value.
Less Than Or Equal Checks if candidate object is lower than or equal to expected value.
Greater Than Checks if candidate object is greater than expected value.
Greater Than Or Equal Checks if candidate object is greater than or equal to expected value.
Inclusive Between Checks if candidate object is between (inclusive) min and max value.
Exclusive Between Checks if candidate object is between (exclusive) min and max value.
Length Checks if length of candidate is equal to specific value.
Min Length Checks if length of candidate is greater than or equal to Min value.
Max Length Checks if length of candidate is lower than or equal to Max value.
Length Between Checks if length of candidate is between Min and Max values.
Contains Checks if candidate contains expected element or string.
Email Checks if string is valid email address.
Credit Card Checks if string is valid credit card number.
Match Checks if string candidate match a given Regex pattern.
All Checks if ISpecification<T> is satisfied by ALL elements in candidate collection.
Any Checks if ISpecification<T> is satisfied by ANY element in candidate collection.
Is Type Checks if candidate is compatible with a given type.