Greater Than

Feature Is supported
Null safe
EF Core
EF 6
External Comparer

Validation result


"Object is lower than or equal to [{GreaterThan}]".

"Object is greater than [{GreaterThan}]" - for negation.


Parameter Description
GreaterThanLimit passed in constructor.


Checks if candidate object is greater than expected value.

Specification for comparison use (in order):

  1. IComparer<T> - if available.
  2. > operator - if defined for T.
  3. CompareTo() method - if T implements IComparable<T>.
  4. CompareTo(Object) method - if T implements IComparable.

Note that, null is always the lowest value.


var spec = Specification.GreaterThan<double?>(1.45);

spec.IsSatisfiedBy(1.43);  // false
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(5.0);    // true
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(null);    // false

As property

var customerSpec = Specification.GreaterThan<Customer, int>(
    c => c.CustomerId, 100);

customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 1 }); // false
customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 100 }); // true

Not Greater Than

var spec = Specification.NotGreaterThan<double?>(1.45);

spec.IsSatisfiedBy(1.43);  // true
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(5.0);    // false
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(null);    // true

As property

var customerSpec = Specification.NotGreaterThan<Customer, int>(
    c => c.CustomerId, 100);

customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 1 }); // true
customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 100 }); // false


GreaterThanSpecification<T> supports IComparer<T>.

var spec = Specification.GreaterThan<double>(
    0.0045, Comparer<double>.Default);

EF 6 support

GreaterThanSpecification<T> works correctly in EF 6 solution, when T is primitive or enum type.
Non primitive types, may generate NotSupportedException.
