Exclusive Between

Feature Is supported
Null safe
EF Core
EF 6
External Comparer

Validation result


"Value is not between [{From}] and [{To}]".

"Value is between [{From}] and [{To}]" - for negation.


Parameter Description
From"From" value passed in constructor.
To"To" value passed in constructor.


Checks if candidate object is between (exclusive) min and max value.

Specification for comparison use (in order):

  1. IComparer<T> - if available.
  2. < and > operator - if defined for T.
  3. CompareTo() method - if T implements IComparable<T>.
  4. CompareTo(Object) method - if T implements IComparable.

Note that, null is always the lowest value.


var spec = Specification.ExclusiveBetween<double?>(1.0, 1.45);

spec.IsSatisfiedBy(1.43);  // true
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(5.0);    // false
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(null);    // false

As property

var customerSpec = Specification.ExclusiveBetween<Customer, int>(
    c => c.CustomerId, 0, 100);

customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 1 }); // true
customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 100 }); // false

Not Exclusive Between

var spec = Specification.NotExclusiveBetween<double?>(1.0, 1.45);

spec.IsSatisfiedBy(1.43);  // false
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(5.0);    // true
spec.IsSatisfiedBy(null);    // true

As property

var customerSpec = Specification.NotExclusiveBetween<Customer, int>(
    c => c.CustomerId, 0, 100);

customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 1 }); // false
customerSpec.IsSatisfiedBy(new Customer { CustomerId = 100 }); // true


ExclusiveBetweenSpecification<T> supports IComparer<T>.

var spec = Specification.ExclusiveBetweenSpecification<double>(
    1.0, 1.5, Comparer<double>.Default);

EF 6 support

ExclusiveBetweenSpecification<T> works correctly in EF 6 solution, when T is primitive or enum type.
Non primitive types, may generate NotSupportedException.
